Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Holiday Commandments

Squeeeeeeal! I'm sorry I completely apologize for the random squealing I am going to do all through this post, but unfortunately I cannot stop my self. They are finally over. I can't even make myself repeat the 'E' word again, so from now on the 'E' word is going to be known as, well the 'E' word. Although, I must admit, the last day of school was rather anticlimactic. I was expecting the heavens to do something sensational to celebrate my end of the year, but nothing of that sort happened. I didn't do anything special apart from eating lunch at Burger King, watching The Da Vinci Code that TPF has so wonderfully reviewed, getting foot blisters and limping home because of my sandals and washing the dishes of course.
My mother ended my short lived 'end of school' happiness.
Pan: 'Squeeeeeeal, My exams are over'
Mum: 'Oh great, now you can do the dishes tonight'
Pan: 'But, but... mother - '
(silence, mother has already left the room)
I have decided to make use of my time and come up with 'The Holiday Commandments' which I dogmatically plan to follow:
  1. Thou shalt read at least one decent book a week.
  2. Thou shalt watch at least one movie a day regardless of its language, rating or content.
  3. Thou shalt move thy lazy arse and do something useful in the house by helping mum with housework and not sit whinging about the unfairness of the situation.
  4. Thou shalt learn the basics of cooking.
  5. Thou shalt spend unhealthy amount of time reading fanfiction on the internet without feeling guilty about it.
  6. Thou shalt not succumb to peer pressure and go out in the sun and get an unhealthy tan.
  7. Thou shalt eat at least one ice-cream every three days without worrying about thy weight.
  8. Thou shalt not under any circumstances obsessively wonder about how thou hast done in thy examinations.
  9. Thou shalt clear up thy books/files/notes/university prospectus/stationary that are lying around the house for the last two years and organize old files neatly.
  10. Thou shalt watch crappy sit-coms re-runs on television and waste time watching the E Entertainment channel without wondering how pathetic thy life is.

And one more, since I like prime numbers...

11. Thou shalt not, I repeat not, get intoxicated before prom in any of the outings thou maketh with thy trashy friends..

There you go. My holiday commandments are done. I'm going to be a good person this summer.


The Poodle's Friend said...

I love these. Thou shalt never follow them, though, and I shalt mock thy lack of cooking skills.

Anyway, I'm sure Vintage Girl will be happy about number 11.

Eris said...

i agree with tpf. you're not gonna follow any.... well maybe the one book a week thing.

niTin said...

I would recommend a new column on your side bar that states how many of these commandments you actually broke everyday.
No my dear, like all your other trashy friends, I don't think you'll ever keep all of them. For we have all made'em and broken'em.

Meg said...

Very high standards to keep. Good luck.

Nikki said...

Don't listen to them.

Listen to Meg.

I, for one, have never made such a list because I would break every single one.

I wish you luck on your endeaver.

Panacea said...

TPF, Eris, Nitin - I thank you all for the encouragement. Its always nice to know that people still have faith in me.

TPF: Vintage Girl can wear her vintage skirt and brag about going to CBGB and meeting Shevchenko, see if I care and I'm so totally not jealous about this.

Eris: A one book per week is rather relative. I mean, if I'm reading War and Peace or anything equally large, I'm not going read it in a week.

Nitin: I think all the commandments that involve me attempting to cook, clean or being useful around the house are going to be the first ones that are broken. There is no doubt about that :)

Nikki and Meg: Thank you very much for the encouragement :D, its nice to know that some people in the world still believe in me.

Panacea said...

Frankengirl: Ha, of course the ice cream bit is the most important! Where would human civilization be without ice cream in our lives?

Everyone who didn't think I would keep these things up: So far so good!