Friday, October 27, 2006

Mid-Terms *sigh*

This is an unfortunate post to let my imaginary following know that I shall be away from the blogosphere for the next few weeks on a mini-break. I have my very first university mid-term exams starting from next week. Whoever said that uni was about debauched, decadent alcohol ridden parties was so very wrong. I haven't partied properly since high school ended now. It's not that I actually enjoy partying, but it's the lack of opportunity that I find frustrating.

But on the other hand, I have some good news too. TPF is going to be back home for the weekend. It's the first time I'm going to see her in a month. Okay, I know she's not been away for that long, but you know how we both are. Although, she couldn't have chosen a worse time to come to visit. Something tells me that I'm not going to get any studying done this weekend.

I cant wait for my exams to get over because once those are done, I'm going to be in England in the second week of Novmber. I'll just be there for 3 days though. I'm visiting TPF for a long weekend of fun, fun and more fun. WHEE! Okay, I'll stop. I'm just excited.

Right, back to studies now :)


Meg said...

Good luck!

Eris said...

best of luck.

ash said...

Mid-term exams? I'm glad we never had anything like that. The occasional progress test, but otherwise most of the exam headaches were for the end of the school year.

Oh, and I hear England is wet, cold and miserable at this time of year... :)

Szerelem said...

mid terms suck! But luck!!
I am going to be in Enland and Italy in december...i know it will be cold =(
By the way will you be around in Milan at that time of the year? Wondering if you are up for a blog meet...?Since I wouldve flown half way across the world and all...

ash said...

Yeah, speaking of blog meets - I don't know where you and TPF are going to be when you make it to England (well, I have an idea) but if you're in the area then it would be neat to meet up with either of you- in a none stalkerish kind of way.

Panacea said...

Meg and Eris: Thank you, I really need it :)

Szerelem: We will definitely love to meet you, unless you're a creepy middle aged man who secretly wants to rape us or something. If you are, maybe you should find someone else, we're not really rape material.

Ash: I know you only want to see us because you still suspect that we're the same person :D
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be in London this time, but if all goes according to plan (as in, if I pass all my exams now and in January) we'll probably be in London in February, so we can meet then (in a non stalkerish way, of course!)

Szerelem said...

=( !!!!
You doubt that I am a 20 somethin nerdy uni student??? Sigh and I thought my blog made that clear!!!
But yep, would love to meet you guys as Ash said in a non stalkerish, non lesbian raper type way.

ash said...

February it is then!

Oh and by the way, you're being too hard on yourselves. I'm sure you and TPF would make great rape material.

What's that? Something's come up and you can't make it next year? What about the year after that...? No?

The Poodle's Friend said...

Ha, sorry for distracting you this weekend. Seriously, you can blame it on me if you fail.
:) Which you won't.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Midterms...
Just had mine too.
I hope you do well and smile when you get the results.

jairaj said...


Nikki said...

nose in the books hon.

do your best, then you can make lots of money. LOL