I'm back! Ok, I've been back since Monday actually, but I haven’t had time to do absolutely anything. Once would think that they would give you some leave once you finish your mid-term exams, but nothing of that sort seems to be happening. It's just work, work and more work for me. I don’t think I like Uni anymore.
Well, the trip was great. England, according to me would be the most beautiful country in the world if it was less colder or if it rained less there or if it didn't get dark there at 4 in the evening or if it was not full of drunk British people. But what would the world be without British people, really? British people are so absolutely strange that you can't help but be fond of them.
I love being in England. People there actually speak in English! This means that I don’t have to actually try to eavesdrop on people. It just comes naturally. Even rude airport staff in England speak English! You have no idea how great it feels to have people talking in English around you. It’s not that I don’t speak Italian, it’s just that I’d much rather speak in English than in Italian because lets face it, my Italian is not very good.
I remember when I very young my mum had gone to London for work once. When she got back I asked her all about it. Since I was too young to understand anything much about tourist-London, my mum described England in the best possible way that one could to a child. She told me that in England, you could press buttons and get Dairy Milk from machines. Ever since that moment I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of vending machines (you see, we don’t have vending machines in India). I love England because it’s full of vending machines. I pretend not to, but I still get a minor thrill every time I put in some coins, press buttons and get things.
From this trip I have learnt some new things about the U.K and English people that I didn’t know before:
1) People from Aberdeen are supposed to shag sheep. I still haven’t quite figured out why sheep and not cows, but I’m working on it.
2) Pastries are not sweet in England. The can also be salty, like stuffed croissants.
3) Crisps and chips do not mean the same thing. Crisps actually mean chips in the normal world and chips in England are French fries in the normal world.
4) Sainsbury makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Nothing can beat those cookies.
5) ‘Chavs’ are bad, bad people, and you don’t want to be considered one of them.
6) People have to actually show their IDs there to buy alcohol. (This is so not the case in Italy)
7) People actually use the words ‘blimey’ and ‘cheers’ as a part of their normal vocabulary.
8) Scottish people have their own currency, which could possibly be labelled as one of the most useless currencies in the whole world.
9) British people are very fond of potatoes. I’m not sure where this obsession comes from, but it’s definitely there.
10) However funny this sounds, people in England still drink to the Queen.
And one more because I love prime numbers so much.
11) What is the deal with dinner at 6 in the evening? And why for the sake of God do people refer to it as supper or tea?
I'm getting very fond of lists these days. I should stop doing these.
Having said all this, I have to admit that I’m very fond of British people. After all, they all have sexy, unintelligible British accents and have the best tabloids in the world.