Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So this is my long awaited evolution post. Alright, its not really long awaited. But Nitin just reminded me about it a few days ago and since he was interested, I thought, why not.

We were studying Evolution in Biology a few weeks ago and my teacher was explaining the different theories and evidence there is that could give us a possible answer about how we have managed evolve into the people we are today. My snarky self couldn't resist from finishing his sentence, "...and even with all this evidence, there's a whole bunch of people who actually very firmly deeply believe that we've been been dropped down on the earth just as we are now from the glorious heavens above." Well obviously after this it was his duty as a teacher to tell me not to be disrespectful and dismissive towards the beliefs of other people. Ah, but I being the terrible rebel as I am found myself with the need to justify my statement to him and explain my argument (We're just a class of 4 people, nobody really cares about Biology much!)
*begin rant*
I'm not what people call a narrow minded person. I like to think of myself as follower of liberal thought. If somebody has a set of beliefs, I don't think it is my right to dismiss them, but I would like to think it is my right to question them at least. Where evolution is concerned, I admit that there are a lot of theories that are trying different means to understand how life first began on the earth, how human beings came into being.
If you tell me we exist due to the theory of panspermia, I can understand it. Its got its evidence agreeing with it and even more evidence rejecting it and therefore it is something I can consider. If you tell me we're all come from clay or tell me about the RNA world hypothesis, I'm fine with it. There is a scientific thought process that has gone behind the RNA world hypothesis that may or may not be true. Again, I don't mind accepting it. If you tell me that before Darwinian evolution there was another kind of evolution involving intermingling of genetic lineages and crossing over of genetic material between different species, once again I can accept it. But if you're telling me there are people who want to ignore all this evidence, ignore people who have given up their entire lives trying to find this evidence and these theories and just choose to believe that someone up there one day decided to play the toy maker and pop us all down because He felt like it, I refuse to agree with it.
The fundamental problem I have with Intelligent Design or Creationism is not the whole argument about the existence of a God, but the argument of faith. People believe in Intelligent Design because its the easy way out. But when other people are trying to explain it using different scientific, rational and empirical methods, all they do is just plainly dismiss these theories on their argument of faith, which does not have any logic or sense whatsoever. But ah, faith is not supposed to make sense, is it?
My blatant dismissal for Intelligent Design has got nothing to do with my belief or disbelief in God. God, according to me does not enter the pictures anywhere. If people say that they don't know who or what set The Big Bang into motion or what happened before it and attribute it to God, its an acceptable and even understandable thought process. If they say that it was God who created the first life forms on earth, whatever they maybe because we as human beings do not know or have this ability to know the purpose of our lives or creation, again its something I can understand and even accept. These are ideas I can't dismiss because we, as human beings don't know anything about them. So I, an insignificant human being don't have the right to hold an opinion about matters that are beyond my perception. I am well prepared to accept the fact that it could have been a supernatural force beyond our perception who we like to call God, who could have created everything.
We always like to atributte the incomprehendible (is this a word?) mysteries to God and that is something I can well understand because we human beings are curious people. We like to know how things work. When we don't have a possible explaination towards how something works, we need someone who we can attribute creation to and that is why the need of having a God like figure to worship is perfectly understandable.
Its not a classic I'm right and you're wrong situation, but more of a I'm not sure whether I'm right, but I think you may be wrong, but if you think you're right and give me resonable explaination about your views, I'll believe you. But if people refuse to even consider the possibility there all the collected evidence may be pointing towards the fact that Mr. Adam and Ms. Eve were fictional, I shall dismiss them. Maybe I sound like one of these people who refuses to see other points of view but in my warped up mind, my logic makes sense. Next thing people are going to find me doing is converting into flying spagetti monsterism because that's what I believe in and you see, my faith deep enough for me to discard whatever anyone else says.
*end rant*
On a more hypocritical and a lighter note, I'm really glad that someone did create fictional Mr. Adam and Ms. Eve because without them almost half of contemporary and classical fiction would not have existed. I don't think I could have lived in a world without Paradise Lost. I happen to care much more about literature than biology.
PS: Sorry for the wikipedia links, I know they're not the most reliable and unbiased of sources, but I really couldn't be bothered to search for information websites and I also happen to love wikipedia.
PPS: I also apologise for ranting but you can't say that I did not warn anyone.


niTin said...

Amazing. I was really expecting something serious and extremely erudite from the post, and my expectations were surpassed. And yes, the IDT people really get on my nerves. If you can't figure out something like, "How the little tail propels sperm cells and how it evolved?" They don't come up with various testable theories or hypotheses, instead they come to the umbrella conclusion- ID did it. It is scientific escapism and scholastic laziness combined. I could come up with that conclusion. Then I could tell you the meaning of life, what happens within black holes, what women are thinking... or any other question that has always baffled humankind.
I just thought you'd like this post on a blog I found couple of months ago.
And again.. WOW

The Poodle's Friend said...

Its not a classic I'm right and you're wrong situation, but more of a I'm not sure whether I'm right, but I think you may be wrong, but if you think you're right and give me resonable explaination about your views, I'll believe you.
Heehee! What a great way to put it.
Well, you know what I think of this, don't you? I'd better not say anything, otherwise I'll pass for a crazy narrowminded bitch.

ash said...

While I've heard of the flying spaghetti monster and it gave me a little chuckle, there's plenty of other arguments against Intelligent Design (and no, they're not variations on different monsters).
One of them is kind of philosophical and too long to mention here. But this post I read a while back has another amusing stab at bursting the ID bubble.

Charlie said...

My beliefs over the years can best be described as definitely wishy-washy.

My present thinking seems to be that God was (and is) the Big Bang--a force, if you will. I see God as the universe and everything in it, no matter how it was created or evolved. The universe, it is said, is still growing and expanding; I often wonder, though, where it is expanding--is it replacing nothingness??

God to me is definitely NOT a loving (or hateful) old White man with a long beard. That is what the religious extremists from ALL religions would have us believe. And how they attempt to control us.

Really, this subject is much too dense for this stupid little comment window. If I sound like a confused Poopie, I apologize.

Panacea said...

Nitin - Nah, am not an erudite person. I feel rather intellectually challenged when it comes to talking literary things. By the way, I really liked the link, it was rather interesting.
It is scientific escapism and scholastic laziness combined. See, that's exactly what I think now. But if somebody comes up reasonable explaination about ID, I don't mind looking into it.
I'm glad you liked the post in any case :D

Panacea said...

Frankengirl - it’s fine and dandy to have beliefs and faith in a particular concept. But it’s quite another to conclude that your faith and beliefs are “knowledge.” You've just summed up my post in two lines. That's what gets me so wound up about this. I agree everybody has beliefs, I myself believe in the weirdest things. But then I can acknowledge the fact that I know what I believe in is exactly true, which is more than I can say for most of the ID followers.

surely any God with respectable self-esteem would appreciate a few questions rather than blind acceptance?. Exactly. Also, I mean, if He did create us and everything around us, surely He'd make it bit more complicated than we think it to be. The last thing He's want us to do is to know how He did it. He's supposed to be mysterious and everything.

PS: I'm glad you liked the Heathcliff comment. I DO tend to get verbose when I'm talking about anything related to Wuthering Heights *blushes*

TPF - You ARE a crazy narrowminded bitch so you needn't worry!

Ash - there's plenty of other arguments against Intelligent Design. I'm probably sure there are, but the problem is that the ones I've heard havn't been convincing enough for me to believe or accept them. Unfortunately most of the ID thinker I know are people who write hate mail with bad punctuation to evolution websites that go something like. YOU FUCKER!!! I HOPE JESUS KILLS YOU AND YOU GO TO HELL THEN YOU CAN FUCKING BELIEVE THAT GOD MADE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT. Great link by the way, it had me giggling for ages!

Eris said...

flying spagetti monsterism .........
well, if that's what you believe, i guess i'll support you seeing as how i love you and all.
good rant. its too funny imagining you foaming at the mouth.

Anonymous said...

You forgot one major point: the Bible is not to be taken literally. One can still believe that God created man through the process of evolution - Adam and Eve are symbolic.

Besides, the fact that the Bible states that the world was created in 6 days isn't to be interpreted as our measure of time...

Panacea said...

Mr Poop - Really, this subject is much too dense for this stupid little comment window. I personally agree. The discussion wasn't about the existance of God at all as I previously mentioned. Its just about people manipulating religion and religious scriptures. It has and will always be people, not God ho are the problem.

Cookie - And here I was thinking you might be dead... I'm glad you still love me, even with my strong newly found religious beliefs. You have no idea how much that means to me.

Frankengirl - Your new haircut is so impressive that it almost makes you seem imposing. I love it!

*sigh* I can never make up my mind whether I like people agreeing or disagreeing with one another. On one side, I think it'll save us a lot of trouble of we all just agreed with one another, but on the other hand, it would be a rather boring world without counter opinions and different points of view.

Panacea said...

Harry - you deserve a seperate reply, not because you're special, but because I forgot about you in my previous one.

Actually I didn't forget the point you're making. If people say that they don't know who or what set The Big Bang into motion or what happened before it and attribute it to God, its an acceptable and even understandable thought process. If they say that it was God who created the first life forms on earth, whatever they maybe because we as human beings do not know or have this ability to know the purpose of our lives or creation, again its something I can understand and even accept. What you've said is exactly what I meant, even though I put it in a roundabout manner. I don't really care about the Bible or what's written in it, its how the ID thinkers explain themselves and the smugness with which the dismiss other people on the basis of faith is what I don't like.