Sunday, March 12, 2006

An absolutely random inventory...

*sigh* this has been a hectic week. Actually no, let me rephrase, this has been a week like any other I've been having since the beginning of this year. Of course, I've still managed to enjoy myself because after going through the same old routine for a whole year now, I think I know how to find some little pleasures even in the most tiring of weeks. So let me begin.
MONDAY - crap, absolutely crap. It was cold and windy and terrible. My practice Italian oral exam went so bad that my teacher did not even bother giving me a mark, just a disappointed look and then a whole tirade that came after the look about how bad I was and how the final oral exam was on Wednesday. I obviously panicked and prepared a beautiful oral for Tuesday. Amazing English class where we studied Gift of the Gorgon and I drooled at Dave's rear, as I usually do.
TUESDAY - Practice Italian Oral went much better because it wasn't improvised this time. Had an argument with my Biology teacher about evolution, where he kind of admitted that I was right. (Remind me to make a seperate post on this sometime, I'm rather passionate about it!). More than amazing Gift of the Gorgon lesson. Drooled over Dave once again, and wondered if he may not be gay after all, then had a random 10 second conversation with him about Hugh Grant in underwear after the lesson and changed my mind about his gayness (gaiety to be grammatically correct). Symptoms of a sore throat started developing.
WEDNESDAY - Final Italian Oral early in the morning. Was rather cranky all day because I had a terrible terrible sore throat and had kind of lost my voice. Italian teacher made me bloody do the same oral 3 times because she forgot to press the record button on the cassette recorder and due to this stupid oral exam, I even missed English class. Thankfully she let me listen to it (my recorded voice). I sound male because of my throat. The examiner is so going to think I'm male :( (The oral obviously went well after repeating the same thing 3 times, by the way). Realized that my Biology teacher was still into this girl he used to date for a while, 20 years ago, who had dumped him. She is this famous evolutionist's daughter, by the way. Oddly felt really really sorry for him. He is a nice person. Crappy teacher but a nice person.
International Evening Night - School event, where people bring food from different countries. The school cafeteria is transformed into a restaurant and we're served by waiters (volunteer students, of course) dressed in costumes and there's a big performance prepared by some of the students. Had a terrible terrible waiteress who starved us. Harry and I had to sneak into the food area to steal dessert because terrible waitress didn't get it for us. TPF wasn't there because she had gone to see a stupid football match between Milan and Bayern Munich. Made funny videos on my camera.
THURSDAY- Sickness became worse. Now had a sore throat combined with a cold. TPF decided it would be a good day to get all testy on me and randomly not speak to me and sulk. Was rather annoyed about the whole thing... Only thing that saved the day was Dave, as usual. Made fun of random woman on the bus with TPF. She was sitting right in front of us and (hopefully) couldn't understand a word of what we were saying because it was in English. She was so creepy and twichy and just weird and kept on looking at me...
FRIDAY- Sickness worse than ever. Sore throat had deteriorated into a cough and still had a cold. Couldn't smell anything, including this smelly boy in our grade who you can smell from a radius of a floor. Should have stayed at home and not gone to school but being the nerd that I am, I couldn't stand the thought of missing school for one whole day. Was annoyed at TPF for sulking on Thursday, decided that it was my turn to sulk. Didn't speak to her for half a day then got bored and decided to speak to her and now we're cool. Decided on a topic for our Philosophy presentation which I'm randomly excited about and TPF thinks I'm just sad, which might be true. But, Philosophy research is so much fun!
So yes, that was my week, it was not a very eventful week I guess but that was about it.
Anyways, I forgot to mention a whole lot of stuff that didn't have a particular day but was eventful this week in any case, starting from: the throngs of school work and practicles that I did, the even more throngs of school work that I didn't do and should have done, the amount of time I spent in break at school oggling at boys playing football (in shorts!), wondering when did Plug get so cute and how in the world could I have missed his cute rear, teasing TPF about Juzie, whining to everybody I could think of about my illness, losing my favourite Kermit (yes, the muppet frog, does anybody have a problem with that?) ruler that I've had since 7th grade and then accusing everybody I could think of for stealing it, finding the Kermit ruler in my maths book the next day and pretending to still be annoyed at the people who I accused of stealing it, having my maths teacher trying to unsuccessfully grab my Snickers bar out of my hand for no reason at all (I think he wanted to either test my reflexes or he was just trying to be funny and not succeeding! nobody, I repeat, nobody steals my chocolate), rolling my eyes over Harry fighting with the Chemistry teacher AGAIN, having several of those Chemistry lessons that make you wonder why you voluntarily chose to study that subject at a higher level in the first place, teaching a sum to my maths teacher who couldn't understand how to do it and still doesn't get how to do it, learning about panspermia; which is rather cool by the way, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, nagging TPF about her sleeping habits, nagging TPF about her last minute homework habits, nagging TPF about her lateness, forging a late note because I was really really late one morning, blowing up a can of Coke that I forget in the freezer, giggling loudly in Biology class every time someone said homo erectus, wondering whether I was giggling about the word homo or the word erectus (I know its really silly, but I'm a teenager, you can't expect me to be mature and responsible all the time. And this was even funnier than the time in Biology when we studied synaptic clefts and synaptic shafts, so don't look at me that way!), finding myself doodling the the word 'PAN' instead of my own name on my bag (my blog persona is really getting to me!) and blah blah blah.
Hope everybody else had a better week! :D


The Poodle's Friend said...

Hehe, hilarious post.
You should stop nagging TPF.
And FYI, TPF does not sulk randomly. But we have discussed this already, coming to the conclusion that YOU SUCK.
Wow, you've had a pretty hectic week. Your sore throat whinge-fest was a source of entertainment for us all, as was the random gushing over Dave and Gift of the Gorgon. Admit it, I'm being really sweet by not ruining the end for you.
BTW, for all those that don't know yet, Snape kills Dumbledore.
Am feeling randomly satisfied at having nagged you for your lack of studying for your Italian oral. Considering that you do it ab initio, anything less than a 7 would have been shameful. I would have nagged you till the end of time.
Kermit secretly confessed to me that he had hidden inside your maths book to escape your weirdness. Do him (and the rest of us) a favour and chuck him in the bin. Anything must be better than being owned by you.

Eris said...

you wrote fanfiction??/
you still have that kemit ruler?????
why do i continue to associtate with you????
aww... honey, you had a sucky week.

Panacea said...

Eris - continue to associate with me because I happen to be one of your sanest friends and you don't really have a life. Nah, didn't write anything big. Crappy drabbles, which are really bad by the way. Of course I have the Kermit ruler. Its beautiful. I love it.
Wasn't such a bad week after all. It was one of the better ones.

TPF - Well, TPF is an idiot at coming to conclusions.
Imagine how bad my Italian oral must be if you had to nag me to study. At least I did something about it. And TPF sweetie, Kermit's a ruler, its not exactly an animate object. Inanimate objects dont talk, contrary to your wild imagination.

Panacea said...

Oh god, I'm doomed forever to be diseased with blog-fever and some other unnatural disease that makes every creep/drunk/tramp/mentally unfit person in any kind of public transport look at me and only me.

Anonymous said...

So here I am commenting instead of doing my geography...
Honey, I nag our chemistry teacher for a reason: he would not explain a thing otherwise! And you profit indirectly from my nagging, given you constantly call me up for chemistry hw... even though i just take standard and not high....

I agree with TPF, you had a DUTY to get 100% on your oral!!!!!! i would also have nagged you until infinity and beyond otherwise. Nerd.

Panacea said...

Why is everybody apart from myself so interested in my Italian grade? It is rather strange, isn't it?Harry, dear, YOU are calling ME a nerd. Do you even understand the absurdity of that statement?

Oh and by the way, readers, I completely agree, if it wern't for Harry, I'd have completely failed in Chemistry. She's a Chemistry Goddess!