Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I love

I'm not a very hard person to please. I'm a bit fussy about some things like margins and justified text and highlighters, but apart from all that I think its really easy to make me happy. But I'm not one of those overly bubbly people. I cant stand people who are cheerful all the time. I'm sure they are really nice people, but it really irritates me for some reason. Anyhow since, I've been extremely grumpy all day today, what could be better than making a list of things that might help me feel better?

I love:
  1. Getting under my duvet on winter afternoons to read my book and then napping for a few hours. I love afternoon naps. I normally don't ever have time for them and they make me feel very grandmother-ly, but I do enjoy them very much.
  2. Kissing my dad (on his cheek, of course) after he's just shaved and smelling his aftershave.
  3. Having chilled coke on a hot summer day. Mind you, if you put ice into it I shall be very annoyed.
  4. Watching a good movie on my own on television. The worse thing you can do in my house is watch a movie with my parents because they keep talking randomly all through movies. I don't think they get the seriousness of listening to each and every dialogue in a film.
  5. Wearing tiny skirts with flip flops all through summer and not caring about how chubby/fat I think I look because there is always someone on the street that looks worse than me.
  6. Eating ice cream with TPF. I'm one of those people who do not like to experiment with new ice cream flavours. I suppose this would make me an old school ice cream eater. Also, I dislike chocolate ice cream. I'm a terrible person. I love chocolate, but cannot bear to eat pure chocolate ice cream. EW!
  7. Walking from the tram stop to my house after uni every day with my ipod. Mind you, I only like walking back home, not walking towards the tram stop because that means that I have a whole day of lectures ahead of me. I also like taking the tram instead of the bus or the metro to uni, it makes me feel very quaint.
  8. Scarfs. I love scarfs and everything about them. I love how they feel nice and warm around your neck and how warm they feel because of your body heat when you take them off.
  9. New episodes of my favourite TV shows. I religiously watch Lost, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Heroes and Veronica Mars every week and I need to have updates otherwise I get very, very irritated at the world.
  10. Being nice and dry under an umbrella when its raining. I love umbrellas enough to write blog posts about them too. I know, I should really stop being sentimental about inanimate objects.
and one more because I like prime numbers

11. Getting into bed each night. The Scarlet O'Hara in me still has a small hope that everything is going to be alright when I wake up the next day.


niTin said...

That was the most adorable post ever. Period.

Szerelem said...

But I'm not one of those overly bubbly people. I cant stand people who are cheerful all the time.
Muahahaz....join the club!!!

And eating ice cream - that reminded me of Milan. And that awesome Kinder ice cream. I want!!! :(

ash said...

You might not be the 'bubbliest' but I second Nitin - that was a lovely post.

And since I like to always make things about me, some comments on your list:
1. Afternoon naps make me fill disorientated and usually ill. They are a last resort
2. I can't relate.
3. Absolutely, and why is it that people think I'm weird for not wanting ice in my drinks?
4. I'm not a big fan of watching movies on my own. It's more of a social experience for me. Although talking during the film is strictly forbidden. Unless the film deserves mockery...
5. I tell you what, you wear the tiny skirts and flip flops and I'll judge whether you look fat or not ;)
6. You don't like chocolate ice cream? Ben & Jerry's ice cream is one of favourite foods but whatever flavour I have, there has to be some sort of chocolate in there somewhere.
7. I desperately want an iPod because I know it would make my journeys to work and home a whole lot better.
8. Originally not a big scarf fan because I worried about them making my neck itchy. I'm slowly growing to appreciate them.
9. Yes, yes yes! Well maybe not Desperate Housewives but everything else. Replace DH with Battlestar Galactica and that's my exact list of downloaded American tv shows. Did you see the musical episode in Scrubs? How great was that?
10. Eh?
11. Who doesn't like going to bed at the end of the day? But your optimistic attitude is more than a little heart warming :)

Nikki said...

That was a great post!

But I'm afraid that you need to seek the help of the closest mental help facility.

You are obviously disturbed if you don't like chocolate ice cream ;)

airy voices said...

you totally redeemeed yourself with scarlett after the choc ice cream slight. :D

and i just wasted a zigillion hours thanks to the links on your site-- all at the expense of an essay that is due tom, grants me a free tic to europe, in the absence of which, I have a feeling, szerelem is going to kill me. All because of that stupid flash game which isn't even fun--just frustrating.

The Poodle's Friend said...

Oh, that flash game!

I like yoghurt ice cream. Sigh. And I *love* going to bed. Especially if it's warm!

Panacea said...

Nitin: Awwww, thanks! :)

Szerelem: I dont think I've eaten ice cream again since that time actually. Wheeee, I want kinder. Now you know what I'm going to do the next time I get out of my house. Hope you are sufficiently jealous :P

Nikki: GAH! I'm one of those really creepy vanilla ice cream people. I get it from my dad. He doesnt like chocolate either. I blame it all on faulty genes!

Airy Voices: Hee, I know those links are overly addictive. If you want another much more pointless addictive flash game, try typing 'curveball' on google and click on the first link :)
Hope your essay went well, by the way!

TPF: Technically you bed gets warm after you get into it. How can it be warm before getting into it? Hmmm.

Ash: Okay, this is going to be long :) You know I'm ashamed to say that I've never eaten Ben and Jerry's. But I live in Italy, where they're supposed to make the best ice cream, so how much better can it be?

You should really get an ipod for the way, at least a nano or something. You have nooo idea how much of a difference it makes. You know, music while walking gives direction to your angst :D

Movies are a social experience if watched with friends who shut up all through them :)

Scarfs used to make me itchy too especially till a few years ago because I wasnt used to them. But now, I really do love them.

OMG, how good was the musical episode of Scrubs? How desperately are you waiting for LOST to start again? How cool is Veronica Mars? Ok, enough with the gush-fest.

ash said...

How good is Ben & Jerry's? Well remember Krispy Kreme? For me:
B&Js >>> Krispy Kreme

The musical episode of Scrubs was so much better than I expected...maybe even better than the musical episode of Buffy. In fact I need to go watch it again at the next opportunity...

Veronica Mars is awesome. Is it just me or has TV gotten a hell of a lot better in the past few years?

"It's guy love...between two guys"

Szerelem said...

You haven't had gelato since that time we met????? what the.....
I actually agree with Ash....B&J is awesome stuff and they have really kinky flavours (like Chunky Monkey - bananas and chocolate) but the gelato in Italy is amazing as well....I really cant choose between the two....

Panacea said...

Ash: Hmm, I'm going to take your word for Ben & Jerry's because our Krispy Kreme experiment turned out to be so delicious :) Next time I step on English soil, I'm not goin back without tasting Ben and Jerry's :)

See, TPF and I have the 'guy love' that Turk and JD sing about, except we're erm..girls, I suppose.

Ah, TV just keeps getting better and better. Too bad most of the good tv shows I watch are low resolution versions on my computer.

ash said...

So that's "Guy love...between two girls"? Which begs the questions, which one of you is JD and which is Turk? And who's been inside who? :O

Pretty much all the TV I watch is on my computer in low-ish resolution I suppose. But I'm used to it, and it's always worth it.

ash said...

Btw, any idea when you might be back in the world of Krispy Kreme and Ben & Jerrys (and I don't mean the US)?

Panacea said...

Oooh, I just saw your comment!

PAH! you silly country's increased airport taxes is making it very difficult for me to be back, and right now my visa has also expired; therefore I really don't know when I'm going to be back.

erm, well I suppose I'd be JD. My stream of consciousness is sometimes creepily similar to his, and TPF doesn't watch Scrubs, so I get to choose :)