I hope people aren't going to be misled by the title of this post. I'm not going to be talking about a hot, sexy, possible future life partner that Elvis had in mind when he sang this song in this post; but about my upcoming examinations that begin in umm.. less than a few days. They are one of those final-end-of-school-exams-that-your-whole-life-and-career-depend-on kind of exams. I should definitely be more paranoid about them, but I can't be arsed to care. Alright, I'm lying here, I do care.
Last night just less than a week before my Maths exam I realized I can't integrate. Seriously, I have no imagination for calculus, even though I've been doing it for the last three years. I remember a conversation I had in class with my teacher three years ago while he was attempting to teach us the basics of calculus.
Teacher: "Imagine a line on a graph, parallel to the X-axis."
(Now it was fine till here. I mean, I have imagination problems but, its not too hard to imagine random lines floating about on an axis)
Teacher (continues): "Now imagine this line moving around the X-axis, making a cylinder around the axis because it's moving so fast."
(Hmm, this required a lot of effort. Usually it takes me ages to imagine normal three dimensional cylinders. To imagine a moving line making one was and it still is rather difficult.)
Teacher: "Now imagine if I wanted to find the volume of this cylinder."
(At this point, your beloved narrator, Pan couldn't bear to remain silent anymore, her imagination did have some kind of mathematical boundaries after all and she had to speak up.)
Pan: "Why would a line want to revolve around an axis?"
Awkward Silence
Teacher: "So, we were discussing how to calculate the volume then... thanks to integration we have a formula..."
(Therefore, my rather interesting question has remained unanswered ever since and had dreadfully affected my calculus abilities)
Anyways, this is probably going to be my last post for a while because I have exams till the 19th of May. I will still probably be reading all my favourite blogs on my sidebar and commenting, but I don't think I'll have time to post anything new. After all, pretending to study does require colossal effort.
Some days ago TPF and I watched the movie version of The Importance of Being Earnest. I agree, the movie did give the words 'Creative License' a new meaning, but I have to admit, I enjoyed it. Although, I may be highly biased in my opinion because it is my deep and profound belief that anything with Colin Firth has to be beyond brilliant. (Sidenote for Fangirl Rant - Oh my god, have you seen him? I mean, he's not as physically attractive as other Hollywood actors, but that's what makes it so endearing, doesn't it? Plus, he has this mysterious Mr Darcyish aura around him that makes him so very attractive. Anyone would think that this Mr. Darcyish aura would type cast him as an actor in movies (like Hugh Grant for example), but no, he's done quite a varied range of movie roles, ok, I'll just stop now :D) Surprisingly Rupert Everett made quite a good Algy.
Judi Dench as Lady Bracknell was hilarious. She is a very good actress after all. Although, she's very theatrical and therefore, it doesn't always come out well in cinema. The movie changed the order and locations of practically all the scenes of the play, but kept the almost all the language from the original play. Therefore, the humour is not lost. I would recommend people to read the play before actually watching the movie because Oscar Wilde definitely should be read at least once in your lifetime. Its like some sort of a law. Here is a link here to some memorable Earnest quotes.

I have absolutely no idea how I've managed to include Calculus, Colin Firth, upcoming examinations, Oscar Wilde, Maths, Judi Dench and The Importance of Being Earnest in one post, hey, its all in there, isn't it?
That has to be the worst explanation of calculus and integration that I've ever heard.
So, um, good luck with your exams!
"Why would a line want to revolve around an axis?"
The EXACT question I asked! Furthermore, who CARES why a line would want to revolve around an axis? Personally, I could care less. Plus, it would probably make me dizzy and I would hurl.
Speaking of Darcy, I am reading, with great delight, P & P for the very first time. I have just completed Vol. 1, or approx. one-third of the novel. I am amazed by young Austen's skill.
I believe that your approach to your examinations--you care by not caring--is a wise one.
Good luck, Pan, and the Pooper will miss you. Madly.
what's so surprising about rupert everett making a good algy? he's perfect for the role! have you seen him in An Ideal Husband? he's brilliant.
oh and best of luck to you and tpf as well.
Having myself written a "final-end-of-school-exams-that-your-whole-life-and-career-depend-on kind of exam" I can safely say, I understand your situation. Only problem was they taught the whole of calculus in one year. No enema like pre-calc to ease the process, just the undiluted real thing. I remember my math prof beginning each class with "You know Newton came up with this" and mentioning it randomly throughout the class. He was quite fan-guyish about Newton by the way, and I made it a point to include at least one mention of him in my papers "according to Newton's Binomial theorem" you get the point. All the best for your exams.
Young Nitin plays the game well. You ALWAYS mention the prof's favorite(s) in your papers!
Oh, what a bunch of heretics! Calculus is beautiful!
Did you know that the formula for the area of the cone derives exactly from that whole rotating a line around the x-axis thing that you're so quick to brush off?
In conclusion, calculus rocks (my socks :D)!
But, I agree on all you've said about Colin Firth. Really, there's no objection to any of that at all.
You did ask for calculus help didn't you? Well here it is-
google video
And it mentions Newton and all.
*aside* play it when your parents aren't around.
And Admiral
The tricks you learn when you're learning. Always play by the teacher's prejudices and likes. Of course that doesn't work for standardized tests.
The only time "area" and "volume" concern me is when the area of my coffee cup is too small for the volume of coffee in it, thusly spilling scalding liquid onto my trousers.
Ash - I'm sure it was and then people wonder why I don't understand it :)
We were doing this extended GCSE maths thing, so we started calculus really early on, and that is why the teacher must have not known how to explain calculus to a bunch of uninterested 15 year olds.
Admiral - who CARES why a line would want to revolve around an axis? That is exactly how I feel. I mean, if it wants to revolve, it can happily revolve, as long as I'm out of it. Its nice to see that you think like a 18 year old, by the way :)
Speaking of 'volume' and 'area' metaphors, the only time 'volume' and 'area' that concerns me is the volume of writing that has filled up the area on a page of a book. Fine, I think I'll leave the metaphors to you.
Oooh, reading any Jane Austen for the first time is a great experience. Its well written, Victorian chick lit. Who wouldn't enjoy it? P £ P is the basis to every modern day chick lit ever written, that is why most people adore it so much. My personal Jane favourites are Northanger Abbey and Persuation.
I have no idea why my comments have started publishing themselves.
Cookie - Nothing wrong with Rupert Everett. The real Algy in the play is supposed to be blond and stocky (well, I just thought he would be chubby because he's always eating all the time. Also I thought Rupert Everett was too umm.. hot to be Algy, but as I said, I liked him :)
Nitin - Thanks for parental warning by the way, it would have been a terrible way for TPF and I to come out about our clandestine affair to my parents :D
ha.. we have some fan-guyish teachers in our school too, so I know what you mean. Always play by the teacher's prejudices and likes. I like it. Sounds like something that should go in a philosophy of life book or something. I bet that one point saved your from failing then, huh? ;)
TPF - Sweetie, just because you do Maths High in school, doesn't mean you need to flaunt it.
Maths is silly and unpractical. So you think I'm going to need to find areas of random cones in real life? and even if I did need to find areas of random cones, why in the wide world would I even want to know where the formula derives from? I mean, couldn't care less about where it comes from as long as it works. I'm not Harry here.
Anyways, YS is better than you. She's going to get a 7 and you can die alone with your 6.
Everyone - Thanks for the exam luck everyone by the way, I think both of us need some luck for these exams :D
Good luck with your exams, Pan! I will miss you!
And regarding Colin Firth: buuuuuuwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa....!
(Excuse me while I discreetly wipe my chin.)
Good luck Pan. Just remember 3+3=33 and you'll be fine.
I jumped over here from Frankengirl's blog and felt compelled to post, not because of calculus, but because of Colin Firth. Have you seen Nanny McPhee? He's great in that - sort of sweetly vulnerable and Darcyish (of course) at the same time.
Hello everyone, sorry for late replies. It's the first time in a week that I've finally got time to sit down and reply to all my comments.
Frankengirl - Actually I think that the movie version of Northanger Abbey will be fabulous because the director can show the faux-Gothic elements in a rather interesting manner.
PS - You will be glad to know that I have mastered my calculus in my Maths exam last week, but I may have just about discovered some rather ahem..innovative vector calculations :D
Sophia - Awww! I missed everyone here too, it feels odd to be away from the blogosphere for so long.
Oh, and Colin Firth is so worth our drool, we really shouldn't be discreet about it :)
Nikki - Thank you for the great advice. I think I'm going to get very far ahead in life with it :P
Your friend, Fred is the most gorgeous little froggie I've ever seen.
Nalini - Nanny McPhee is on my next 'movies to see' list as soon as my exams get over and it even has that adorable, blond kid from Love Actually, whose name I don't know.
Thank you!! I kept trying to figure out where I'd seen that kid from - his name is Thomas Sangster btw.
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