Sunday, September 10, 2006

Meme Time :)

I would like to apologies for my late post. I've been back for a while now, but have been busy with real life. I've been tagged by Sophia, which is great because now I don't need to write a comeback post.

1. One book that changed your life: This is a hard question, TPF and I had even had a conversation about this one. We interpret the question in very different ways. According to me every book I read, good or bad manages to have a tiny effect on my life. But if I was forced to choose, I would probably say that the first book that changed the way I viewed life was the play Equus, by Peter Shaffer (I hope plays count in this meme!).

2. One book that you've read more than once: Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. I normally don't bother reading text heavy classics multiple times, but what can I say, Wuthering Heights just has that kind of effect on me. It's a wonderful book for angst loving, romance wanting teenagers and I would recommend it to anyone.

3. One book you'd want on a desert island: I would love to take with me any elaboratete Dickens' novel with multiple plots and a lot of characters or maybe I might just decide to take along War and Peace and finally manage to finish it.

4. One book that made you laugh: The Simoqin Prophacies by Samit Basu. This book is hilarious and Samit Basu is one of my favourite Indian writers. It is full of really funny sections and one liners that actually have a point and are related to the plot. It's sequal The Manticore's Secret is also just as good.

5. One book that made you cry: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. I have read this book several times now and the last two pages of the book always make me cry. I guess, it is a sort of a personal catharsis that I undergo every time I read it. But tears just can't stop falling every time I read this book.

6. One book that you wish had been written: I would have loved to have an Emily Bronte's autobiography or another novel by her.

7. One book that you wish had never been written: Sweet Valley. I have wasted too many important years of my young and innocent reading life over this series and I genuinely wish that the whole series didn't exist

8. One book you'’re currently reading: The Brothers Karamazov, by Dostoyevsky and Two Lives, by Vikram Seth (yes, both at the same time. It's a childhood habit of mine, I'm always in the middle of at least two books at a time)

9. One book you'’ve been meaning to read: Bleak House, by Charles Dickens. Well, I first need to buy the black Penguin edition of this book (you know the ones I absolutely adore) and then I will eventually read it.

umm... I refuse to tag anyone else because I am the 'meme killer'! :)


The Poodle's Friend said...

EW, Dickens!
I know what you mean about wasting time on Sweet Valley. I did the same on Redwall. And it had talking animals.

Eris said...

i wasted time on trixie belden but hey at least that's how i found out about fanfic.

Anonymous said...

You-Haven't-finished-War and Peace-yet?
Listen lady, if you want to escape the utter helplessness of falling under OJ's frosty-nosed-look, you better finish the book. According to her-venerable-self, the world is divided into two; those who've read the War and Peace and those who don't deserve to live. (Well she didn't exactly say that, but I figured).
And it's funny how number five fulfils number 2 ("I have read this book several times") as well as number 1 ("personal catharsis that I undergo")
And you're lucky you read only two books at a time. That question was the toughest for me to answer, until I took it literally. I have at least five books that I read at a time.

Meg said...

I wasted many years on Nancy Drew, but I loved every minute of it. Plus, you can learn so much from Nancy Drew. She is my idol.
I agree with you on To Kill a Mockingbird. That is such a great book. I cry every time I read it.

Panacea said...

TPF: You're a horrible person. I happen to actually like Dickens. Taking animals, *shudders* I hated books with talking animals, you know how I am!

Eris: ha, I remember your Trixie Belden phase. It was hilarious! I cant believe you liked those books. I didnt like them, but I'm not sure why I continued reading them.

Meg: Actually, Nancy Drew started off as my role model too, but as I grew up I started hating her so much, her perfect blond hair, perfect boyfriends (she always had multiple!), her perfect problem solving abilites and everything about her!

Nitin: I always tell people that the world is divided into two kinds of people, those who have read Lord of the Rings and those who dont deserve to live :)
I'm saving up War and Peace as my island read, but you're right eventually I'll have to get beyond volume one. My excuse is that I'm 18 and I have a lot of time to read it when I'm older :)