Thursday, February 09, 2006

If I Was a Rich Girl...

I apologise profoundly for the random nature of this post. Its much easier to be random rather than trying to put things in context all the time.

Anyways, I had a weird dream last night. It was one of those really cool dreams that you never want to wake up from. And no, I didn't have sex, in fact hormones were hardly involved in this dream. To quote Blake, "I dreamt a dream! What can it mean?/ And that I was a maiden Queen/ Guarded by an Angel mild" Sorry for that. I can never resist any sort of an opportunity to quote Blake. I love Blake. But I digress!

Moving on; it was rather a strange dream because I normally never dream of my mother and this time it was just my mother and me. In the dream, my mother has just miraculously become rich overnight. I'm not sure how, I think she has written books or something but I don't really remember. So we have become so fabulously rich that I had my own personal designer who chooses clothes for me and helps me to do my hair and make-up every time I go out (because I can't do these things myself for some reason). My mother and I are out shopping in a Venice-like city in England (I knew it was England because we kept on talking about the prices in pounds). I called it Venice-like because it was full of water canals; exactly like Venice actually. This extraordinary attractive guy is taking us around the place (I'm not sure whether he was hired to do that or he was doing so just out of his own free will) and he takes us to this expensive store (the sort that you cant just enter wearing casual clothes) and I think my mother buys a dress and a small metal jewellery box. On our way out my mother tells me that the shop has gifted us a pair of diamond earrings for shopping with them. So the conversation goes like this:

Pan: "Why did they give us such an expensive gift?"
Mum: "Because we shopped for more then 10,000 pounds"
Pan: "wow, that's a lot, but didn't we just buy a dress and a box?"
Mum: *giggles* "I know and we spent that much"
Pan: *giggles* "wow! I don't even feel guilty"
Mum: "Nor do I!"
We smile...
...Then I wake up, look at my tiny bedroom and mentally go: "Well it was too good to be true, it just had to be a dream! But if only..." It was really nice to be rich and shallow even if it was only in a dream. Actually, even if I miraculously become rich in real life, the last thing I would do is spend my money on clothes. Nah, I'm not a clothes kind of person or a jewellery-box kind of person as a matter of fact.
Anyways the next night, we're back to the same old routine of nerdy dreams, where I dreamt that my Chemistry teacher tells me that he doesn't like my 'Planning Experiment' and I've done it all wrong and now its too late to do anything to change it. God, I'm such a nerd at times that I almost feel like TPF, I said almost.


The Poodle's Friend said...

Love the dream. Wish I had some like that. But no, it's all 'late to school' dreams for me, and the occasional dead pidgeon precipitation.
10000 pounds,
Do I sense a dig at my nerdiness?

Anonymous said...

now THAT was a cool dream... i could have leeched off you had the dream been real. nice.
by the way, the secret hint for next year's b-day present aint working... i can get u H&M diamond earrings if ur really desperate. honestly.
oh, and TPF... your 'late to school' dreams may SEEM like dreams but they're painstakingly real. we have evidence of it every morning (how the heck have u avoided getting a detention yet?!!)


Panacea said...

Well, as we all know TPF has always been the teacher's pet. AKB loves her and she's such a big nerd that they're not even going to dream of giving her a detention

The Poodle's Friend said...

Oh come on, you're just jealous that I can get away with just about anything (and do so more often than not), whilst you two get screamed at routinely for no apparent reason.

Personally, I find it rather amusing that the pair of you seem to have nothing better to do than to mock my shortcomings (well, the only shortcoming I have, tardiness. And even that is so very endearing, don't you think?)
I shall laugh at you in my sleep.

Panacea said...

hmm TPF, I beg to defer on your shortcomings. If I were to list them on this blog starting from your indistinguishable hair colour to your moth-like paleness, this list would be never ending and needless to say rather embarrassing for you...

Harry and I, on the other hand, are perfect and loved by all :D