Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Blues

What is the whole bloody deal with Valentine's Day?

Seriously, I dont get it and this is not because I'm perpetually single and bitter during this period of the year. No, absolutely nothing like that. This is just me trying to understand why people make it such a big deal of a normal day. If I see one more arsehole on the street carrying flowers and smiling to himself, I'm going to well... I'm going to do something bad that might hurt him and possibily put me in prison. Alright I do understand the need for romance and fluffiness in life. I'm also one of the most romantic people I know (I dont know a lot of people but still...) I like mush. For heavens sake, I have cried my eyes out everytime I saw You've Got Mail, even in Italian and this was when I didnt know a word in Italian. I also have to stifle a sob everytime I read Wuthering Heights and Cathy passionately tells Nelly: "I am Heathcliff" or when I read Captain Wentworth's letter to Anne in Persuasion or the last scene of The Blind Assassin for no reason altogether. So, I'm definitely not a cynical person. But Valentine's Day is just too much even for my romantic, fluffy nature. It is an overly blown up shallow Hallmark holiday created people who own shops and want to increase their profits (That's the nerdy Economist in me talking; this is what happens if you study Economics in school).
So how did I spend my Valentine's Day one would ask me? By going to an absolutely useless Career's Conference with a whole bunch of successful, rich people telling me how successful, rich and lucky they are. Anyways I'm off to die alone with no one but Quincy by my side and he's not even human, well, he might as well be human because he definitely one hell of an emotional computer.
I'm officially sulking now!
Alright, not sulking anymore.
Happy Valentine's Day to the four people who regularly read this blog, I love you all!
PS: TPF has a great post on Valentine's Day, a Single's Guide to V - Day. Actually, its hilarious and deserves to be read!


The Poodle's Friend said...

I sense a bitterness in the force.

The Poodle's Friend said...

PS: We love you too, Panacea!
(that's the royal 'we', BTW. It's only .25 of your regular readers talking.)

niTin said...

Did you ever consider that you might have more than 4 regular readers. me (the thingie that is hovering over New York on that little map can safely be assumed to be me) for instance.

Panacea said...

TPF - aww, I love you too! (btw, you're not royal enough to be allowed to use the 'royal we', its probably be grammatically incorrect)

frankengirl - *sigh* I have successfully managed to keep out of the way of all happy Italian men walking around with flowers and goofy grins for fear of not being allowed to take Quincy with me into prison.

Nitin - YAY! 5 readers :D Sorry it doesnt take much to make me happy, does it?

hit-and-miss said...

Here's another one. Not really, but I did read that post, and I plan to come back.

Valentines Day is not only a halmark conspiracy, but a tool of the devil. It's like when he offered the forbidden fruit to Eve. It's all flattery to make her let down her guard. Girls are susceptible to flattery and evil people take a great deal of pride in being able to make a woman forsake their virtues.

B said...

i repeat, valentine's in a bitch that needs to be shot. sentimentality has very little to do with mushiness and i always sappiness as tacky ornamentation.

B said...

okay, i meant valentine's IS a bitch. typo.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWW! Panacea! It wasnt THAT bad... i mean, at least you got to have chocolate (which I brought just for you, honey, anticipating your mid-life crisis. he he)

Panacea said...

wolfpox - you just made a Milton reference :D I think I like you more than everyone else now.

bini - A total bitch dressed up in bright pink and we have admit it that pink is just tacky these days :)

harry - your chocolates and the Meryl Lynch stress-ball that we got in the Career's conference made my Valentine's. Thank you!

hit-and-miss said...

Who's Milton and what was the reference? "Tool of the devil"? I don't know who Milton is...

But thanks for saying you like me more than all the other people here. It means a lot to me. I always like feeling superior to others, you see.

Chances are that I'm smarter than Milton anyway.